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First Sunday of Advent - 28th November 2021

Today we begin the New Liturgical Year of the church, the Year of Luke, for those who have a missal we are now in Year C of the Three-year cycle.

And we begin this year with this wonderful Season of Advent. It’s a beautiful season, but so often in our modern day world it gets overlooked.


by Deacon Michael Kennedy

Happy New Year!

Today we begin the New Liturgical Year of the church, the Year of Luke, for those who have a missal we are now in Year C of the Three year Cycle.

And we begin this year with this wonderful Season of Advent. It’s a beautiful season, but so often in our modern day world it gets overlooked.

The weeks leading up to Christmas are hijacked- by our modern day consumer society- we have to g out and stock up on loads of food, shop for Christmas presents, Advent in most of our shops means Advent Calendars filled with Chocolates or more exotic items depicting super heroes and famous toys and films, Christmas has been in the shops since October.

So where is Advent?

Sadly even we can be guilty, we forgot about the Season that leads up to Christmas and engage in Christmas Carols at the end of November….

And Yet Advent is the Season, its where it all began, it’s a season of waiting, hoping, praying, for the long promised Messiah, the Son of God, The light of Christ pierces the darkness of our world and each additional Advent Candle that is lit increases its brightness.

Advent is a three layered season of expectation, we Remember Jesus historical birth in Bethlehem, We do our best to open a pathway for Jesus to be born in our midst today, and we look ahead to the fulfilment of God’s promise, what our readings today remind us of, that Jesus will come again, his second coming. We wait, in Hope, with Love, to welcome him with Joy, he is the bearer and bringer of Peace.

The readings today remind us of a Promise. God made a promise to the people of Israel- In those days and at that time, I will make a virtuous branch grow for David. How do you feel when someone makes you a promise? God made a promise, that promise fulfilled in the Coming of Jesus, born of the House of David.

St Paul in the 2nd reading gives us words or encouragement as we strive to live out our lives according to the teachings of God. He tells us to keep on being a people of Love, a people of respect, a people of understanding and hope, a people of Joy and forgiveness. And in doing this we will be ready when the Lord comes again.

Luke’s gospel fast-forwards us to the end of time, when Jesus will come again, The images are of the events that will accompany that time. However for those who remain faithful, and have been living in right relationship with God and with their neighbour, they need not fear.

There is a story told of a lady who lived in a nursing home. She did not speak much but spent her days making beautiful embroidery. One day one of the carers in the home asked her about her work.

I do it for the Lord she said. This side is the beautiful side, this is the way God sees us and sees the world. The other side, the side with the starching in, the side that looks unattractive, this is how we see the world, with all its problems, its difficulties, its sadness and unrest. But When Jesus comes, he will make it all right, he will turn what is ugly into beauty, what is untidy into a neat pattern, He will make Good all that is Bad.

This is a beautiful way sums up what we are preparing for in Advent, to Remember, to Welcome, and to Get ready.

There is a famous picture in St Paul’s Cathedral by the artist Holman Hunt, it is Jesus standing at the door waiting to be let in. There is no door handle, Jesus waits for the door to be opened, he waits to be let into our lives, He wants to come in and be with us. We have to open the door and let him in.

Advent enfolds you and me in a period of quiet, steady, confident prayer as we prepare to Welcome the Lord. As a parish we have many opportunities to come together in prayer, in reflection. So make use of them, let the Lord into your lives and give the Lord the time he asks of each one of us. Why not come to Mass on another day, other than Sunday during Advent, come on a Tuesday evening. Why not come along on a Thursday to the Advent Retreat, spend some time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Come along on a Sunday evening to pray the Prayer of the Church, uniting us with our fellow Christians all over the world as we gather, and Wait for the Lord, whose day is near.

And all of us need to experience God’s love and forgiveness, so no better way to Prepare for the Great Feast of Christmas then by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and during Advent we will gather as a parish on 19th December for our Parish Service of Reconciliation. There are many opportunities for us to avail of this Sacrament- Jesus is Waiting for us, He wants to forgive us and he wants us to come to him.

So Stay Awake, Prepare the Way. Make that time for the Lord.

As Pope Francis reminds us “Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem so may we be drawn by the light of God made Man.

May we as a parish family, this Advent, reach out in Love to one another, reach out in prayer for one another, reach out in Hope and be signs of Hope to each other, let’s remember especially the Young people of our parish who will be Confirmed on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, and may we as parish be bearers of Peace to each other and to those around us.

Jesus come to us, And when he comes, May we be ready.

So Happy New Year!


Bidding Prayers 1st Sunday of Advent


Let us lift up our lives in prayer to the Lord, who comes in faithfulness and love to guide the humble in the right path and teach his way to the poor


For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, John our Bishop and for all who lead our church in expectation of the coming of our Lord.

Lord, hear us.

For peace, with justice throughout the world. Lord, hear us.

For those among us who face a troubled for difficult future: may they have strength and courage. Lord, hear us.

For those in our parish community who are sick, especially those in hospital and those who are Housebound and in

nursing homes: may they experience the healing touch of God. Lord, hear us.

For all gathered here: that we may follow Christ our Saviour, in the coming days.

Lord, hear us.

For our Young Parishioners who will be confirmed in a few weeks’ time, that they may be a sign joy, hope and love in the world.

Lord hear us

For James Lamerton who has died last weekend, and for all whose anniversaries occur around this time. We also remember those who tragically lost their lives in the English Channel this past week and all who have died because of Violence or unrest. May the Lord grant them eternal rest and peace.

Lord, hear us.

With Mary our Mother, as we begin this Season of Advent, we join our prayers with hers as we say. HAIL MARY…


O Lord, all your ways are love and truth. Keep us in faithfulness to your truth until the day of your return. We make all these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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