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The Feast of the Annunciation - Our Journey Through Lent - Week Four

Thank you, Mary for your brave YES; for your willingness to cooperate with God’s plan of salvation – a plan that God could not carry out without Mary.

We went into Our Lady’s chapel, prayed together and gave Mary a bouquet of flowers to say thank you

by Sonia Sedda


Lenten Workshop, Week 4

The Feast of the Annunciation

We honoured the Feast of the Annunciation, one of the most important in the church calendar, which is celebrated every year on March 25th. The feast marks the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin, during which he tells her that she will be the mother of the Son of God. Our Lady’s YES celebrates the humanity of Jesus as well as humanity’s free will to accept God’s action.

We went into Our Lady’s chapel, prayed together and gave Mary a bouquet of flowers to say thank you. Thank you, Mary for your brave YES; for your willingness to cooperate with God’s plan of salvation – a plan that God could not carry out without Mary.


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